Daghestan prayer rug

Daghestan prayer rug

from the northern Caucasus

circa 1860

Size: 138 x 97 cm


The Caucasus is a melting pot of different tribal and ethnic groups. Prominent amongst the rug weavers are the Azeri Turks, the Armenians, the Kurds and the Talish. 

Many such prayer rugs were probably made as commissions, their relative importance reflected in the care and quality of their creation and artistry. The weaving here is very fine and the original ends carefully braided. 

This small gem is particularly beautiful with clear crisp colours and a carefully arranged flower/lattice design which appears to float on the ivory field behind the prayer niche, mihrab. The power of the main border serves to focus attention on the field and the gradual changes in colour and intensity add charm and vitality to this splendidly proportioned little piece.